Soldier Details:
Surname: Massey
Initials:   E.
Rank:   Sergeant
Army No.:  .15
Notes:   MMP. Enlisted in the 5 Dragoon Guards, born Drummorrow, Co. Down. Ireland, occupation Labourer, transferred to MMP. Served Guinea 11 months. 26/8/1884 discharged at Portsmouth, address: Post Office, Belfast, Ireland. Edward Massey. He has the same No. as Sgt J Eyre, MMP. Extract from the Scotsman 5 August 1874. The Military Outrage at Aldershot. it has not been decided by the military authorities here whether the soldiers of the 24th Regiment who are in confinement in the guard-room for having left their quarters in North Camp after tattoo on the night of the 25th ult. armed with their rifles and bayonets, to attack certain public-houses and cottages in the vicinity of the Camp, are to be tried by district or general court-martial. it appears that they smashed windows and doors and committed other depredations. One of them, who was taken with a rifle and fixed bayonet in his hand and is supposed to be the ringleader of the party, has been handed over to the civil authorities and will be brought before the Magistrates on Thursday. Another of the participants who belongs to the 76th Regiment, After being handcuffed, escaped and has not since being heard of. A Corporal of the military Mounted police, Massey, who was billeted in one of the houses, acted with great judgement on the occasion. After sending a messenger for assistance, he succeeded in capturing and handcuffing some of the marauders. Some of the men who were engaged in this disgraceful proceeding were under orders to embark for Gibraltar, to join the battalion which is stationed there and it is thought that they committed this outrage in order to be tried by civil and military authorities in the hope of being discharged from the service after serving time of imprisonment.. Some of the younger soldiers of good character who took part in the outrage were doubt induced to do so by the older ones, one or two of whom had bad characters.