Soldier Details:
Surname: Raiker
Initials:   M.
Rank:   Lance Corporal
Army No.:  P/964
Notes:   MMP. Awarded the 1915 Star, Victor and War Medals. First served abroad (1) France, 10/7/1915. Later Royal Defence Corps. No. 86149 and 6 Dragoon Guards. No. GS/12858. Corps Order Book 21, page 104. Hospital Stoppages. placed under hospital stoppages from 10/9/1916 to 16/10/1916 (36 days). Mat Raiker. Extract from the Yorkshire Evening Post 28 January 1915. A MEMORY OF THE LEEDS GAS RIOTS. In the report of the death of Mr. Tom Paylor, the well-known Leeds Labour leader, which too place yesterday, it was stated, in mentioning his connection with the gas riots of 1896, that on that occasion a soldier was killed. We have to-day received a letter pointing out that that was a mistake. "I happen to be the very man," writes Private Mat. Raiker, late of the 6th Dragoon Guards Carabiniers, from 4, Akeroyd Square, Armley_ :- "and was stationed at Chapel Town Barracks in 1889 and 1890." What happened says Raiker, was that his horse was struck by a brick while they were clearing the street, and threw him, with the result that his comrades, in the crush, galloped over him. He was reported dead and read the account of his onw death in many papers, but the fact was that, although his face was lacerated, his skull fractured and his arm dislocated, after four months in hospital, he recovered. "In recent years." he adds, "and especially since the last municipal strike, I have steeled many bets on the point." Raiker is again serving his country. For the last four months he has been with the National Reserve, guarding German prisoners and railway bridges, but has now transferred to the Military Mounted Police, with the rank of corporal and is going to Aldershot on Friday and abroad very soon.